
All you need to know about Hubspot Landing Pages

The Internet is one of the biggest revolutions in information technology, and as you maneuver around the same, you see a lot of landing pages. Hubspot is just one of the tools that could ease your job. Hubspot, at the end of 2020 had a total of 103,994 customers.

A landing page is a designated place where you are taken when you click on an ad, CTA, email, etc. Well, when it comes to HubSpot development and lead generation, landing pages serve many purposes. It can be a page following a call-to-action button or maybe the homepage of any website.

1. What is Landing Page and Why You Need One?

Image Source: hubspot
A landing page is a page on any website with a specific purpose and objective of converting visitors into leads. There are many types of landing pages, and you can tweak them as per your needs, but there is one thing common in all of them, and that is their intent to capture the leads.

They contain lead forms and ask the visitors to fill in their information in exchange for something valuable, which may also be called an offer.

Now that you are clear with what a landing page is, the question that follows is why you need one?

Do people generally wonder why they need to create a page to ask people to fill out a form specifically? Why not only use the home page for this sole purpose? There is nothing wrong with this thought process, but things will be sorted after gaining insight into this article.

A landing page eliminates the chances of distraction and allows you to have your visitor’s undivided attention. And the best part of having your visitor’s undivided attention is that you guide them in the direction you want, i.e., your lead form.

To sum it up, you attain your sole purpose of converting visitors into leads through this designated page. Doesn’t it sound good? Because that’s what you want.

We are now clear with the landing page’s ground concept and why it is essential to have one. So, let’s move forward and dig more in-depth about some of the HubSpot landing pages best practices to set up a landing page that converts visitors into leads.

2. Best Practices to Adopt (To Set Up a Landing Page that Matters)

i. A Compelling Headline- To Tempt your Visitors

Did you know? The more compelling headline means the lesser bounce rate. And, the lower bounce rate exhibits more content (satisfied), visitors.

Did you ever realize that three will bounce off out of every five visitors on your landing page if they don’t get a clear and concise idea of what it is about and what is valuable in it for them?

So, to keep the bounce rate low, you need to come up with a compelling headline that tempts your visitors to fill out the form.

And that’s how you hit it right!!

Wait, it’s too soon to thank us!! There is a lot more. Keep reading!!

ii. Be Relevant With What You Offer- To Create an Equation

Relevancy matters!! And it matters a lot!! Now, why would anyone like to stay on a page that they find irrelevant or distracting?

People practice clever tricks to attract visitors, but they end up being empty-handed. You don’t have to act the same.

To hit the bull’s eye, see your landing page as an essential step that will take your visitor to where you want to take them, i.e., to your ultimate Offer (product/service).

So, whatever offer you provide to your visitors, make sure it conforms to your business. Suppose your ultimate offering is professional video services; your offering must be a free guide on creating an explainer video (or any other related valuable offer) in return for the visitor’s personal information.

You cannot offer them a free guide to a 15 days open keto plan since this will take them to an entirely different path.

Always remember, even a compelling headline fails to work when you hook your visitors to an entirely distracting path.

iii. Use a proper Image- To Focus on the Offer.

An image work wonders. Just like a cake without a cherry on top looks incomplete, so is your landing page without a relevant image. It is mandatory and should serve the purpose of representing your target audience.

So, to give a clear idea of what is inside the Offer, always prefer using an image that speaks volumes for your offerings.

iv. Keep Your Lead Form in View- To Make The Process Smooth

The process of converting visitors into leads calls for a lead form in visitors’ view as soon as they land on the page. They shouldn’t be looking for one.

So, make sure you include the form above the fold, and it is even better to design the layout that scrolls down as the visitor moves down the page.

v. Add a Striking Call-to-Action- To Encourage Conversions

A call-to-action is one of the most crucial elements to transform a visitor into a lead. So, keep it clear, concise, and compelling.

A hot tip: Prefer using color in contrast to the elements of the entire page. Also, be clear with what your visitors need to do, like, submit, download, join free, etc.]

vi. Add A Thank You Page- Because it Never Goes in Vain.

THANK YOU- A word that we use almost every day, yet many of us fail to realize its power. In the case of landing pages, a thank you page serves the three primary and powerful purposes:

  • It delivers what you promised to offer,
  • It gives a chance to your new lead to getting additional relevant information, and above all,
  • It allows you to thank them, which goes a long way.

3. Templates of HubSpot Landing Pages

Converting visitors into leads is not a cakewalk. It would be best if you put effort into creating a strategic landing page. It might come as a surprise to you, but strategic landing pages are used by 68% B2B CEO’s.

There is no denying that landing pages play a crucial role in lead generation, but it does not mean that they have to be complicated. So, it would be best to create an inviting and straightforward page rather than keeping it overwhelming and complicated.

Now, the idea of creating a landing page may seem to be a daunting task, but with this list of free and easy-to-use landing pages, you can quickly build a compelling landing page for yourself.

So, let’s roll over to some of the best and free HubSpot landing pages templates.

i. Prelude

This fully-loaded and easy-to-use template is the right fit for beginners as well as expert users. You may easily change the page editor’s banner image and change the overlay color to match your design using the color picker.

The drop-down menu provides access to choosing from 5 different styling options for the icons, allowing you to customize this versatile template as per your needs.

ii. Landing Form

Image Source: hubspot

This landing page template includes a background image with a slightly dark theme, a headline & text, and a form with a bright call-to-action button. There is no navigation bar but a call-to-action button on the top right corner of the page.

The dark overlay is used to keep the text visible yet less distracting. As you scroll down below the fold, the template includes a spot for more visually descriptive (imagery) details to exhibit the Offer, product, or service.

Keeping your needs in mind, this template is easy and fun to use. Also, the clean and precise design of the form guarantees to convert a visitor into a lead.

iii. Invest

Image Source: hubspot

This design uses a photo and customizable text with a short form to get the visitors’ undivided attention. There is no navigation bar, and the users may customize and include other elements as visible in the way of icons at the bottom of the image.

Well, this is not about this one. The users also get an option to include more information about the company or the product/service.

iv. Hubstrap

Image Source: hubspot

Providing a little more room for the text, the hub strap template comes with a simple and rich look. If your content offer has a less visually descriptive requirement, this template might serve your needs well.

This page can be best used to describe an offer, or you may also use it as a descriptive white paper on a topic concerning your business. The design can be personalized, and you may also add a drag-and-drop section to this page.

Unlike the landing, as mentioned earlier, pages, this one comes with a navigation bar. However, this is not complicated and does not distract the visitors from the Offer.

v. Gradient

Image Source: hubspot

Specifically designed for a content-based Offer, this landing page template is sleek and has a simple layout with a logo, image, headline, description text, and a form. The users get an option to change or adjust the color of the gradient background.

Like HubSpot’s other templates, the user can add a product or photo shot, a background image, and a descriptive text. With this simplistic yet beautiful theme, you can have your website running in less than 24 hours.

This list of templates already includes some of the best landing page practices such as, many of them do not have navigation bars (to reduce the chances of distraction), and some have room for image or text, etc.

Now that you have got an idea of some of the best landing page templates available on HubSpot, make sure you use them to hit the targets.

Still, having second thoughts? Feel free to share in the comment section below.

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