
Reliable Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Sales

According to Worldometer, about seven million blog posts are written daily.

That’s how cluttered the internet has become.

That’s why you’ll never get the products to come flying out of your virtual shelves without the right marketing strategies in place.

Such is especially the case if you’re transferring your business online. With all the things you need to migrate from your physical store to your e-commerce website, you’ll barely have enough time to consider and carefully put together a solid marketing strategy.

When you settle for “so-so” marketing strategies, you end up getting very little to no results out of your endeavor.

To help you with marketing your online business, we’ve put together four e-commerce marketing strategies that you can use.

These strategies aren’t fresh from the drawing board; these are tried and tested to work.

Four e-commerce marketing strategies for startups:

  • Create a buyer persona
  • Identify your lead behaviors
  • Create compelling content
  • Use e-commerce marketing automation tools

1. Overview of e-commerce marketing

Ecommerce marketing differs from other marketing methods/strategies because it is particular with its intent: to sell.

If you don’t intend to sell, then whatever marketing initiatives you’re doing, such as publishing social media posts, writing blog posts, or sending email newsletters, isn’t e-commerce marketing.

To market your startup business effectively, we will check out four reliable e-commerce marketing strategies that seasoned marketers are using to grow their businesses.

2. Startup e-commerce marketing strategies you can use

Even from the early stages of your e-commerce business, you need to be mindful of the e-commerce marketing strategies you’ll use.

The sooner you get these right, the sooner you’ll get meaningful results out of your marketing spend.

Consider the strategies below when marketing your online store:

a) Create a buyer persona

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buying customers and is based on research.

It contains your ideal customers’ pain points, job titles, age, the type of companies they work for, their gender, etc. The more granular you get, the better.

This is the very document your e-commerce marketing team needs to consider when creating every single marketing material for your online business.

The business marketing group needs to make sure that their materials resonate directly with your buyer persona; otherwise, they’d do well not creating the material in the first place.

The more your marketing materials and initiative resonate with your buyer persona, the more relevant and high-converting they become.

Use Canva to create a buyer persona. They have tons of resume templates you can use.

b) Identify your leadership behaviors.

I learned the phrase “lead behavior” from the book The 4 Disciplines of Execution by C. McChesney, S. Covey, and J. Huling.

From a 30,000-foot perspective, leadership behaviors are the crucial day-to-day activities that you can influence and improve, which ultimately leads to your desired result.

Here’s an example. If your goal is to generate 100 email sign-ups per week, your leadership behaviors can be to publish one blog post and three social media posts daily.

By doing your leadership behaviors, you will accomplish your end goal, which is to generate 100 email sign-ups per week.

Instead of measuring your e-commerce efforts against your end goal every day, look at your lead behaviors instead.

Since you can “move” your lead behaviors daily, it increases your motivation and level of execution, knowing that you are making an impact towards reaching the e-commerce goals you’ve set.

c) Create compelling content

Your content can make or break your eCommerce business.

With compelling content, you can influence your audience to take immediate action on your offers. You can compel them to buy, sign-up, join a contest, etc.

With poorly crafted content, however, you will bore your audience to death, or alienate them, which ultimately compels them to click away.

Ensure that the content on your product pages, marketing ads, email newsletters, etc. are convincing enough to influence your audience to take action.

Strategies to make your e-commerce marketing materials more compelling:

Use headline analyzer tools. Use Coschedule’s easy-to-use headline analyzer tool to gain insights about how compelling your headlines are, and how you can improve them.

Get rid of needless words. Use the Hemingway app to look for areas of your write-up that you can improve.

With this tool, you can improve your write-up and your customers’ experience while reading your content, which can ultimately influence them to take out their wallets and buy from you.

d) Use e-commerce automation tools.

The more e-commerce tasks you automate, the more time you’ll have running your business.

Not only does automation help improve your productivity, but it also increases the level of accuracy of how each task is done, and it also helps prevent needless firefighting, etc.

There are loads of e-commerce automation tools you can use for your online store, one of which is worth mentioning is Omnisend.

The platform can create automation workflows, produce actionable and easy-to-understand reports, and streamline your email marketing campaigns, among other things.

They even have newsletter templates that you can build upon, so you won’t have to create your email newsletters from scratch.

With the help of their newsletter templates and automation features, you can increase your email marketing ROI and generate loads of online sales for your e-commerce store.

3. Which e-commerce marketing fits your small business?

Your marketing strategies are crucial to your e-commerce business.

With the right strategies, you can skyrocket your online sales.

With a poorly-crafted one, you’ll spend thousands of dollars without seeing any meaningful results.

While the strategies we shared above are far from being complete, they’re effective enough to make a meaningful impact on your online sales — if you take action, that is.

What areas in running an e-commerce business are you struggling with right now? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section below. Cheers!

Tech Trends

We are Full Stack Web Developers, Freelancers, Tech bloggers, and SEO Experts. We are passionate about Science & Technology, Gadgets, Business, and Entertainment.

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