Web Technology

Growth-Driven Design: How To Optimize Your Site’s Look

Take a quick look at your website right now. Is it in the way that you want it to be? Does it load fast? Can users immediately find what they’re looking for? Is it easy to navigate through even for the most non-techy of all website users? Those exist simply several of the questions that you need to ask to determine whether or not your website is performing as well as it should.

When it doesn’t comply with the metrics set forth by proper website design and search engine optimization, your website still won’t be effective.

Just because you already have a website and running, it doesn’t mean that you should end there. To keep your website competitive, you have to go deeper than that. Otherwise, Internet users won’t even bother going through your website.

That said, here are some tips on how you can optimize your website’s look.

1. Create A Website Design Plan

Just as you’d make a business plan when planning your business, you should have an idea as you create your website.

Your website design plan serves as the structural foundation of your website. With one, you’re not just designing your website randomly. Your website design plan should contain the following:

  • A map of your buyer’s journey
  • A detailed outline of the pages that are to be included
  • A strategy of how you can convert Internet users from mere website visitors to paying customers

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Gone are the days when you can just pick any keyword. Today, you’ve got to give it much thought and effort for you to stay relevant and competitive. Before putting out just about any random content, a thorough keyword research process can help your website make it to search engines’ top page results.

Keywords refer to the evergreen words or those constant Internet users key in search engines whenever they make a query on a particular topic or niche. When these keywords are in your content, websites’ crawlers will have something to browse through, allowing your site to make to the top landing pages.

To start with, here are some tips that you can apply when conducting thorough keyword research:

  • Know your customers and what they’re searching for online
  • Build a list of the keywords that you’ll use for certain topic categories
  • Analyze the winning keywords used by your competitors

3. Produce Relevant And Value-Rich Content

Don’t just fill your website up with any content that you can think of. First off, your content should fit your specific business niche. Then, your content should comply with all of the standards that’ll make your content reputable and value-rich.

Also, your content should go hand-in-hand with a growth-driven design for your site.

The most important thing about content is that you’re providing answers and solutions to some of the most common problems experienced by Internet users on your particular niche. Otherwise, they won’t bother opening your website because it’s of no value to them.

Hither hold any golden rules to follow when writing content for your website:

  • Know your audience so you can deeply understand what it is they’re looking for
  • Determine the purpose of each of your website content
  • Write in short sentences and go direct to the point
  • Study the content of your competing websites
  • Stick to an active voice whenever you can

4. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Nowadays, Internet users are capable of searching for varied devices. It’s wrong to design a website that fits only with a big screen on a computer or a laptop.

You have to ensure that your website’s screen doesn’t end up distorted when it’s opened on mobile devices. Otherwise, your website visitors will leave your site in favor of another of a mobile-friendly one.

To make your website mobile-friendly, remember the following tips:

  • Use high-resolution images, but at a minimum size
  • Create short meta title and description tags so it can also be read on mobile devices
  • Test your website design on different kinds and sizes of mobile devices

5. Incorporate Social Share And Follow Buttons

You should know that to rank competitively on the Internet, and it’s not enough that you’ve got a website. You also need to establish an active presence on various social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.

When you already have social media accounts on those platforms, make it convenient for your visitors and target audience to find these accounts through your website.

In doing so, you’re able to maximize the function of your website. You’re strategically able to make your site one of the sales-ready websites on the Internet. This can be done by having a button that leads to your social media accounts.

On your social media sites, you should also make it easy for your followers to open your website, which can be done by providing a link to your site on your bio.

Whenever you release the fresh content on your site, make a post about this on your social media page, then provide a link to your website.

When you do this, you’re able to drive more traffic to your site. Therefore, it becomes efficient in its purpose.

6. Take Note Of Your Page Loading Speed

No subject whence excellent this content on your site may be, if your loading speed is slow, visitors will never stay long on your site as they’ll bounce right to other websites.

There’s a direct relationship with the page loading speed and the traffic coming into your site. The faster your page’s loading speed, the more visitors you can invite to your site.

Here are ways for you to boost your website’s page loading speed:

  • Use images and videos sparingly, usually at just one to two per content post
  • Minimize having too many plugins on your website
  • Lessen the redirects so that your website visitors will have reduced waiting time

7. Conclusion

All these tips considered, you can now ensure that your website is working as it should. When you’ve successfully launched your website, it’s about time for you to dig deeper into what you have to do to make sure it ranks well.

Optimizing your site means that traffic is coming in with the number that you intend to have; your website doesn’t merely stay stale and stagnant. Now, it’s an opportunity for you to start applying these tips.

Tech Trends

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